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Make your life easier
with certified,

accurate translations
and high quality

We are fast, reliable and easy to hire.



We are specialists in


Translation of Documents

Translation of educational documents and professional documents for applications to Canadian educational institutions. Service Available from Spanish to English and vice versa.

Do you want to apply to a visa?

Translation of documents for application for Canadian or United States Visas. Service Available from Spanish to English and vice versa

Do you want to apply to a visa?

Translation of documents for application for Canadian or United States Visas. Service Available from Spanish to English and vice versa


Everything about

Easy Translator

Hello, Hola, Bonjour, I'm Karina Aguirre, creator of Easy Translator.

I am a passionate and expert translator with two notable certifications: COTICH and AIPTI. With 7 years of experience in the translation industry and another 7 years as a paralegal in Canada, my dedication and knowledge guarantee exceptional results.

My love for languages is reflected in my knowledge of four languages: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. This linguistic diversity not only enriches my life, but also directly benefits my clients.

In my journey, I have discovered that every word counts, every nuance matters. That's why I created this website, where we not only provide high-quality translation services, but also build authentic and meaningful connections with people around the world.

I am here to provide you with exceptional service. If you are looking for quality, experience and a personal touch, contact us!


I look forward to working with you soon!

Karina Aguirre CEO


We are fast, reliable

and easy to hire

It is our duty to translate with precision and quality. By accurate translation, we mean a translation that preserves the meaning, style and register of the source document. Our current team specializes in translations from Spanish to English and vice versa.

We will respect, under any circumstances, the confidentiality and privacy of the information contained in all the documentation provided by the client for translation purposes. All information submitted will be confidential and may not be reproduced or disclosed.


Price and Time

Regular Service

Delivery time

5 business days

$8,000 CLP per sheet

Express service

Delivery time

3 business days

$12,000 CLP per sheet


Our services

of traducciones

Contact Us

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